Grace Oasis Ministries in the past has had rather stringent requirements for association.  However, with the advent of the computer age, we have decided it wise to approach our requirements very differently today.  So, with this in mind, we have made association much easier to enter into.

Ministers may enter into association with Grace Oasis Ministries simply by submitting our online form.  Upon approval you will be notified by us via E-mail.  It is not necessary that local leadership (pastors, etc) be licensed by Grace Oasis Ministries for the church to be affiliated with us as we are not a denomination, but rather an association/fellowship.  Associated ministers may or may not be licensed by us specifically.  Ministers which are associated with Grace Oasis Ministries that are fully Apostolic and are in full agreement with our Statement of Faith will be specifically listed as Associated Apostolic ministers. If they are licensed by Grace Oasis Ministries, they will also be listed as "Licensed."  Those who are not Apostolic and are not necessarily in full agreement with our Statement of Faith, but who meet with our basic faith requirements as outlined below, will be listed as Associated Non-Apostolic ministers.  Grace Oasis Ministries will license non-Apostolic ministers in order to assist that minister in doing an effective work within their community, however, we will not ordain any minister unless they are Apostolic and in full agreement with our Statement of Faith.

Any minister wishing to associate with Grace Oasis Ministries may do so, provided they are in agreement with our minimum standard of beliefs as outlined below.  We fully appreciate and respect ALL members of the Christian family, whatever their specific beliefs or doctrines, although we may disagree on specific points.  We seek to facilitate and assist ALL who seek to do a good, effective, godly CHRISTIAN work within the LGBT communities in particular and the unsaved world as a whole.  For this reason we are happy to embrace and affiliate with any minister that meets the following minimal standard for affiliation:


1) The Bible to be the only source of truth, revelation, and practice for the church and people of God.

2)  In One God (however you may presently understand or define this) who is the Creator of the world.

3) That Jesus Christ is the singular way to God, according to the Gospel, and was God manifest in the flesh as the Son of God.

4)  That Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles and signs in evidence of His divine nature.  That He died on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world, rose again physically and literally three days after His death, and that He has ascended to Heaven and is awaiting the hour when He will return to redeem His church (rapture).

5) That man-made dogma, tradition, and practices which contradict the teachings and example set forth by the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ and the early Christian church, as well as the Lord Jesus Himself during His earthly ministry, are not acceptable to the New Testament church and are therefore extra-biblical and contrary to the simplicity that is the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  (By this we mean, churches which engage in practices or teach doctrines born of tradition, such as the wearing of vestments or priestly garments, the teaching of a priesthood that serves as a mediator between the saints and God Himself, the literal body and blood of Christ are present in the sacriments, and similar such teachings will bar a ministry from being able to enter into affiliation with Grace Oasis Ministries.  We do not refuse the fellowship of such ministers and ministries, but we are unable to officially affiliate as it contradicts this association's understanding of the basic biblical requirements for fellowship and association.

This is the minimal standard of fellowship for this ministry.  Specific beliefs regarding matters outside of those outlined above are left to the understanding of the individual ministers seeking affiliation.  Please note that this ministry is able to disaffiliate itself at any time from any minister whom it deems to be falling too far from a minimal standard for Biblical Christianity.  Disassociation is not a form of condemnation, but rather an official necessity as it is imperative that we at all times uphold a minimal standard for belief and practice.  For instance, should an associated church suddenly begin to teach that Mary Magdalene and the Lord Jesus Christ were married in this life, etc., we would break our affiliation ties at that time.  Affiliation always falls under the oversight and discretion of the Apostolic Overseer of Grace Oasis Ministries.

PLEASE NOTE:  It is IMPERATIVE that you immediately report any change of address or contact information (including phone numbers, email addresses, website addresses, etc) to us as soon as possible as we strive only to offer current and reliable information to those who may use our listings as a source for finding a church or minister.  If your information is ever found or reported to be inaccurate or non-working, we will immediately remove your name or organization from our listings until current information is attained.  Licensed ministers will have their licenses revoked if changes are not reported within 90 days after we have lost contact due to inaccurate information.  Thank you, in advance, for working with us to keep all our resources current and reliable!

If you wish to APPLY for AFFILIATION (Ministries, Churches, Organizations)   with Grace Oasis Ministries, CLICK HERE

If you wish to APPLY for ASSOCIATION (Ministers, Clergy) with Grace Oasis Ministries, CLICK HERE
Grace Oasis Ministries
No unauthorized use or reproduction without prior written authorization.
Grace Oasis Ministries - PO Box 191903 - Dallas TX 75219 -